Friday, April 10, 2015

WIEOC: What to Expect From this Course

What do I expect out of this course? Three simple words: thorough statistical conclusions. Having a depth understanding of your target market is the secret to developing the best product with the highest profitability possible. What most companies tend to overlook in marketing is the balance between profit and consumer need. Hysterically, most companies think more profit comes from less of an understanding of these customer needs, only to find out when it's too late that the opposite is more true.

During the time of Ancient Greece and antiquity, one of its best philosophers gave a good plan that reflects market research of the consumer:  

"First, have a definite, clear practical ideal; a goal, an objective. Second, have the necessary means to achieve your ends; wisdom, money, materials, and methods. Third, adjust all your means to that end. –Aristotle"

These beautifully put together words is the core, goal, and value of what marketing research aims for to achieve success during times of trials. To solve these questions one must not forget the reason why we do market research; hinting to the latter mentioned core, goal, and value.

Speaking of core goal values, to simplify what I expect out of this course is the direct answers and understanding of the target market. The scientific method being dominant in this field for problem solving, in depth conclusions cannot be drawn without the core goal values of the consumer and the company. Authenticity of the company's mission statement seems to be the end product of what I expect from this course, and honestly it should be.

“Consider the fact that maybe…just maybe…beauty and worth aren't found in a makeup bottle, or a salon-fresh hairstyle, or a fabulous outfit. Maybe our sparkle comes from somewhere deeper inside, somewhere so pure and authentic and REAL, it doesn't need gloss or polish or glitter to shine.” 
― Mandy HaleThe Single Woman: Life, Love, and a Dash of Sass

If I were a cosmetic company and saw this during my research, I would do something more than just make a product to counter what the consumer said to try and boost my sales. The more proper response would be to create a campaign, or socially responsible movement, to help create what the consumer feels within them. If creating a product was necessary, I would whip up a book that explains the different herbs and ingredients of make-up and how the consumer can personally use these ingredients. This will help create a positive response to a consumer need, while opening up to a new demographic and adding a new service. Strengthening the brand image is achieved with thorough statistical conclusions when it comes to market research.

To sum everything together of what I expect from the class, these are the top expectations:

  • Meeting company mission statement 
  • Authenticity of brand image
  • Strengthening customer relations and brand image
These three steps will help develop the extensive, detailed, and slightly personal understanding of the consumer and how to properly go forward with delivering a product that means something to your demographic. I hope  my expectations are clear as to what I expect from this course.

Citation of Quotes

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